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Frage: Wie sieht eine RequestMail aus (welche bei generischen Transfers verschickt wird)? (180734 Hits)
Betreff: Transfer Request: REQUEST domain.tld [......]


DOMAIN NAME TRANSFER - Initial Authorization for Registrar Transfer


Attention: Name Vorname

Re: Transfer of domain.tld

The current registrar of record for this domain name is PROVIDER_NAME

1api GmbH has received a request from Selfhost

on yyyy-mm-dd for us to become the new registrar of record.

You have received this message because you are listed as the Registered Name Holder or Administrative contact for this domain name in the WHOIS database.

Please read the following important information about transferring your domain name:

* You must agree to enter into a new Registration Agreement with us. You can review the full terms and conditions of the Agreement at
* Once you have entered into the Agreement, the transfer will take place within five (5) calendar days unless the current registrar of record denies the request.
* Once a transfer takes place, you will not be able to transfer to another registrar for 60 days, apart from a transfer back to the original registrar, in cases where both registrars so agree or where a decision in the dispute resolution process so directs.

If you WISH TO PROCEED with the transfer, you must respond to this message via one of the following methods (note if you do not respond by yyyy-mm-dd , domain.tld will not be transferred to us.).

Please go to our website, to confirm.

If you DO NOT WANT the transfer to proceed, then don't respond to this message.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact Selfhost (

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